Moldover and a group of eight dedicated artists have been working passionately on a new music compilation to raise money for an immediate political impact fund. Now, they need your help to amplify their message. Download or stream the music for free, share it widely, and consider helping the cause: The Sound of Change.

Featuring stunning new remixes by Dubvirus, Illexxandra, Chopsticks, thebishopgame, Vinnie Saletto, Sgrow, Aquiline Scope, and Darwins Wolf, The Sound of Change reimagines “Four Track” classics in a micro multiverse of musical styles. The Immediate Impact Fund is organized by Swing Left. 100% of your donations go directly to candidates running to flip the Senate and win key state legislature races.

Turn off the hate, the lies, and the fear,
Crank up #TheSoundOfChange
and VOTE like hell!